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英语表演背景音乐 英语表演背景音乐纯音乐有哪些


您好,Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our English performance! Today, we have prepared a variety of exciting performances for you, showcasing the beauty and diversity of the English language.

Our first performance will be a skit, where our talented actors will bring to life a hilarious story about two friends who get lost in a foreign country. Through their struggles and misadventures, they will showcase not only their acting skills, but also their mastery of the English language.

Next, we have a poetry recitation by one of our students, who will be performing a beautiful piece by William Shakespeare. With her melodious voice and excellent diction, she will transport you to a world of love, passion, and tragedy.

Moving on to our musical segment, we have a talented band who will be performing a classic English song that we all know and love. With their guitars, drums, and vocals, they will have you tapping your feet and singing along in no time.

Last but not least, we have a debate between two of our best speakers, who will be arguing on a topic that is both relevant and thought-provoking. Through their well-crafted arguments and persuasive language, they will make you see both sides of the issue and leave you with plenty to think about.

In conclusion, we hope you enjoy our English performance and leave with a newfound appreciation for the language and its many forms of expression. Thank you for joining us today!









我现在玩双节棍都是用这些音乐的,我都很喜欢的,特别推荐几首给你吧:::: 劲乐团-v3 do it all night-劲舞团 李贞贤-01-阿里阿里 与她的离别 花火 劲舞团-花花公子 舞动精灵-cant get over you


刘宁 《我就是李小龙》侯健 《武林风》何永俊 《中国龙 》屠洪刚 《风云2《七剑战歌》羽泉 《辛弃疾》交战 - 广东微影双截棍联盟 - [演唱:广东微影双截棍表演团,词:李英磷,曲:李英磷]个人最喜欢《我就是李小龙》很适合表演双截棍。。。。


这些都可以。1.The Lady In Red Chris De Burgh2.嗨!水晶糖果里的音乐3.Hace Mucho,Mucho Tiempo电影《潘神的迷宫》的主题曲4.Theme From Powder Jerry Goldsmit5.Les Rois Du Monde Gerard Presgurvic6.The Grand Finale Danny Elfmann7.The MassEra8.Dragon Heart Randy Edelmann9.Kiss From A Rose10.Unchained MelodyThe Righteous Brothers11.再见12.Rub You The Right WayJonny Gill13.Oh Yeah yello14.Tied Up15.Dance Above The Rainbow Lord Of Feet Flames


你好!表演perform 英[pf:m] 美[prf:rm] vt. 执行; 履行; 表演; 扮演; vt. 进行; 完成; 做; 工作; vi. 运行,表现; (驯兽) 玩把戏; [例句]We're looking for people of all ages who have performed outstanding acts of bravery, kindness or courage我们正在寻找那些见义勇为、乐于助人、勇气可嘉的人,年龄不限。


我的表演结束My show is over我的表演结束My show is over我的表演结束My show is over


  《Rub You The Right Way》和Johnny Gill的《Les Rois Du Monde》,这两首是刘谦表演时曾使用过的音乐,非常不错。  魔术,是利用手法和道具以达到看上去难以理解和完成的结果一种技艺叫做魔术,然后表演,表演是表演者利用技艺或专长来传达具体的事件或非具体的意象,以达到艺术或是娱乐的目的。两者结合在一起就成了魔术表演,魔术表演是是一种表演艺术。  现代魔术师将各种领域的表演艺术与魔术融合以达到独特的魔术表演形式就成了现代的魔术表演。

