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英语presentation开场白? 英语早读开场白?


英语演讲的开场白有很多种。英语是很灵活的,很有趣的。你可以先讲一个有趣的英语小故事来吸引住听众的注意力。或者你可以以问答的形式,和听众互动,然后再开始hello everyone(good morning, everyone),today I will going to tall about …(presentation主题), I will spend 15 minies.


good morning ladies and Gentlemam ,it's known that there are four seasons in a year .



May I come in?(我可以进来吗?)


Good morning / afternoon, dear professors. I am XXX. (教授们早上好/下午好,我是XXX)


I am very happy that I am qualified for this interview. It is a privilege to be speaking to you today.(很高兴有机会参加这次面试,今天能跟你们谈话真是我的荣幸)


It's my great honor / pleasure to introduce myself to you here.(很荣幸/高兴在这儿向大家作自我介绍)


Good morning/afternoon/evening, ladies and gentlemen.

Welcome to [event name]. I am [your name], and I will be your host/moderator for today's conference/meeting.

We are gathered here today to [purpose of the conference/meeting]. This is an important event where we will be discussing [topics/agenda items]. Our esteemed panelists/speakers will be sharing their valuable insights and expertise on these topics.

Before we begin, I would like to take a moment to thank our sponsors/partners/organizers for making this event possible. Their support and contributions have been instrumental in bringing us all together today.

I would also like to extend a warm welcome to our distinguished guests/participants who have taken the time to join us from [location/country]. We are honored to have you with us today.

Without further ado, let us begin the proceedings. We have an exciting lineup of speakers and discussions planned for today, and I am confident that we will all leave with valuable insights and knowledge.

Thank you again for joining us, and let us have a productive and engaging conference/meeting.


Good morning, ladies and gentlemen: how are you today ?( 然后停顿一下,让观众回答一下,就是 互动 一下,起到调节气氛的作用) Fine? yeah, I hear you ! and It's also a wonderful day for me to meet you here and share my opinion on XXX,


The bell for the ne-together is about to end, we still know we are reaching more maturity.

Wish each of our distinquished quests a successful career and a happy family。

Wish our colleagues great progress and more achievements

Wish our country a more splendid future

In the new year.

That’ s all for the New Year’ s Celebration . Thank you for being with us。


Good morning ladies and gentlemen, 

It's a great pleasure to be here and I want to thank all of you for coming today. 

My name is XXX and I'm the host of this event. 

We are here today to celebrate a very special and important occasion. 

This gathering is an opportunity for us to come together and learn more about new ideas, and exchange opinions. 

I'm sure that this event will leave us all with a greater understanding of the topics at hand. 

I eagerly look forward to the valuable insights and ideas that our speakers will share with us. 

Let's welcome them one by one and begin our journey towards a brighter and more prosperous future. 

Thank you for being here and enjoy the event.








Now let me will introduce my hometown in brief.



