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艺术节比赛报道 艺术节比赛报道美篇


Dear Mr Wood, I'm writing to invite you to join us in the 10-thousand running held by the school. The event will be held in the afternoon of 15th, May. It will start at 14:00 sharp, so please arrive at the school pit by 13:30. The route is as follows: We will leave the school and running along Renmin Road until the first traffic light, then we will turn right and continue running to a post office. We then turn right by the post office and follow the river back to school. The purpose of this event is to encourage students to take part in physical exercises. Your presence will mean a lot to us. Looking forward to seeing you there.


Traditional Scottish celebrations at the Military Tattoo

Summer in Edinburgh, Scotland’s capital city, is the time for festivals. Between the end of August and the beginning of September there are several different festivals which take place there.

The original Edinburgh International Festival started in 1947, and offers visitors a rich programme of classical music, theatre, opera and dance. The same year that the official festival began, a handful of theatrical companies gatecrashed the festival and organised their own event, which grew into what is now called the Fringe Festival.

The term ‘fringe’ means something on the outside of the main event, but over the years, the Edinburgh Fringe Festival has become the largest of all the festivals, and indeed the largest arts festival in the world!

The Fringe features performers and acts which are less traditional and more unconventional than those in the International Festival, and includes a lot of stand-up comedy shows, music and children’s entertainment. The Edinburgh Fringe is seen as an important place for up and coming stand-up comedians to perform at.

At the same time in Edinburgh there are various other festivals, such as the Jazz and Blues festival, the Book Festival, the Film Festival, and even an Internet Festival! There is also a multicultural festival called Mela, which celebrates the diversity of people living in Edinburgh, in particular people with South Asian orgins.

Edinburgh Castle is the site of one of the most spectacular events ? The Military Tattoo. A military tattoo has nothing to do with a tattoo on your skin! It means a performance of military music, for example, by marching bands. In Scotland the military tattoo traditionally includes bagpipes and drums. This year the display will also feature dancers, horses and motorbikes!

Though you have to pay to attend most of the events at the various festivals, there are several groups who organise large numbers of free events as well


It was a great honor that I had a chance to take part in a singing contest last week.

There were ten competitors in our contest and I was the last one to sing. I was very neverous when I was waiting for my turn to sing because all of the competitors sang well.

However, I tried my best to calm down myself. Finaly, I won the second Prize in the singing contest.Some of my classmates thought that singing contest can improve our sel-confidence while others thought that it wastes our study time. If I have an opportunity to participate in a tele-vision singing contest, I will take it because it is good for me to improve my singing skill.



由刘纯燕 (金龟子) 老师发起的金龟子国际儿童艺术节,旨在让孩子们通过多维度艺术展演形式,促进广大青少年广泛深入的领悟中华思想理念、传承中华传统美德,促进中华艺术的繁荣发展。










2017年的施坦威钢琴比赛北京区的9月9号在北京盛世雅歌琴行举办。总决赛设“第八届施坦威全国青少年钢琴比赛”各组一、二、三等奖各1名,共18名;各组奖金待定。专业组A、B组的一等奖中产生专业组特等奖一名,获证书和奖励参加来年在德国举办的“国际施坦威艺术节” ;专业C组一等奖奖励施坦威家族系列之艾塞克斯EGP-155C EP黑色抛光三角钢琴一台,还将获邀在施坦威钢琴北京旗舰店霍洛威兹音乐厅开办音乐会,并获得在施坦威官方平台上的宣传。业余组A、B、C组的一等奖中产生业余组特等奖一名,奖励施坦威家族系列之艾塞克斯EUP-123E EP黑色抛光立式钢琴一台。





比赛内容不仅包括音乐,还包括舞蹈、器乐、表演、语言、主持等多个艺术门类,参赛者可以从 4 周岁一直持续到 65 周岁。金蛙国际艺术节的参赛资格广泛,是一次适合不同年龄段和艺术门类的参赛者参加的比赛。




