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艺术节活动报道英文怎么说 艺术节活动报道英文怎么说呢





英[rp:t] 美[rp:rt]

n. 报告; 成绩报告单; 传闻; 流言蜚语;

vt. 报道; 公布; 宣告;

vt. 告发,举报; 使报到;


第三人称单数:reports 复数:reports 现在分词:reporting过去式:reported 过去分词:reported


They had been called in to clear drains after local people reported a foul smell



1、标题  简练,概括主体,例如: Four Killed and Five Hurt in a House Fire(房屋起火五伤四亡);Soccer kicks off with Violence(足球开赛脚踢拳打)2、消息来源地  如: Beijing(北京报道)3、正文  在有限的篇幅里报导尽可能多的内容,采取一切手段来浓缩和精炼语言,做到大众性、趣味性和节俭性的语言风格要素。4、稿件撰写者,如Reported by …。



例句:1.I often take part in my school's activities.我经常参加学校的活动2.What‘s your favorite activity?你最喜爱的活动是什么?

3.My favorite activity is swimming.我最喜爱的活动是游泳.4.The oceans froze over when geologic activity died out.这些海洋在地震活跃带消失时也会冻结.5。Whether this translates into real activity remains a question-mark.它能不能转化为实际行动还不好说.



Promote取推销的意思可以么 英 [pr?'m??t] 美 [pr?'mot] vt. 促进;提升;推销;发扬 vi. 成为王后或其他大于卒的子




"Brand planning" "activity planning"策划是中国特有的词汇,英文中用法是: 品牌管理:brand management,或直接用branding 活动安排:event arrangement.


活动策划这个职位 用英文表达 翻译如下: The position of activity planning 重点词汇释义: 活动策划:activity planning; event planning 职位:position; job; post; place




Traditional Scottish celebrations at the Military Tattoo

Summer in Edinburgh, Scotland’s capital city, is the time for festivals. Between the end of August and the beginning of September there are several different festivals which take place there.

The original Edinburgh International Festival started in 1947, and offers visitors a rich programme of classical music, theatre, opera and dance. The same year that the official festival began, a handful of theatrical companies gatecrashed the festival and organised their own event, which grew into what is now called the Fringe Festival.

The term ‘fringe’ means something on the outside of the main event, but over the years, the Edinburgh Fringe Festival has become the largest of all the festivals, and indeed the largest arts festival in the world!

The Fringe features performers and acts which are less traditional and more unconventional than those in the International Festival, and includes a lot of stand-up comedy shows, music and children’s entertainment. The Edinburgh Fringe is seen as an important place for up and coming stand-up comedians to perform at.

At the same time in Edinburgh there are various other festivals, such as the Jazz and Blues festival, the Book Festival, the Film Festival, and even an Internet Festival! There is also a multicultural festival called Mela, which celebrates the diversity of people living in Edinburgh, in particular people with South Asian orgins.

Edinburgh Castle is the site of one of the most spectacular events ? The Military Tattoo. A military tattoo has nothing to do with a tattoo on your skin! It means a performance of military music, for example, by marching bands. In Scotland the military tattoo traditionally includes bagpipes and drums. This year the display will also feature dancers, horses and motorbikes!

Though you have to pay to attend most of the events at the various festivals, there are several groups who organise large numbers of free events as well

