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A ……exhibition




A/An xxx exhibition will be held at the city museum in this Saturday morning.一个xxx展览将于周六上午在本市博物馆举行。

The event will run from 7a.m to 9a.m……活动将从上午7点持续到9点。


例 The site is divided into four sections.场地分为四个部分。

In the first fool is …在一楼是…

In the second fool ……二楼是…



The theme of the area/works ……这一区域/作品 的主题是……

The works in the first fool is belong to …一楼的作品来自于……(人名)


Every visitor can participate in ……每一个参观者都可以参加……




A Photo Show

WUHAN No.4 MIDDLE SCHOOL, HUBEI: Early in May, a photo show① was held in our school. It was a great success②! All the photes were taken by the students themselves. There were both black- and- white and colour photos, presenting③ our school life, the beauty of nature, festival④ activities and so on. All the works⑤ of arts were on show⑥ in the reading room on the third floor. Every day, a large number of⑦ students went to enjoy it and they were surprised to find that the pictures were so wonderful. Those whose photos were chosen the best were given unexpected⑧ prizes⑨. In short, this photo show really made our life colorful.


①a photo show:一次摄影展

②(be) a great success:非常成功



⑤work (pl. works):n. 著作,作品

⑥(be) on show:展览,展出

⑦a (large) number of:许多,大量


⑨prize: 奖,奖品



海报(poster)是一种带有装饰性的广告,有时还配有绘画,内容广泛,有球讯、电影消息、文娱活动等。海报正中往往有主题的大字标题,如Table Tennis Match等。海报正文语言十分简洁,开门见山地说明主题、活动内容、活动时间和活动地点。最后提出要求和注意事项。

新闻报道应及时、客观地反映事实。本文的标题A Photo Show准确地点明了主题。正文部分结构完整,条理清晰。开头两句开门见山地说明了主题以及最后产生的结果,最后一句用In short衔接,对全文进行了总结,呼应了主题,中间部分把此次摄影展的时间、地点与参赛对象有作品内容等一一作了报道,语言简洁明快,没有什么长句、难句,通俗易懂,符合读者心理,是一篇值得一读的新闻报道。

A Photo Show

WUHAN No.4 MIDDLE SCHOOL, HUBEI: Early in May, a photo show① was held in our school. It was a great success②! All the photes were taken by the students themselves. There were both black- and- white and colour photos, presenting③ our school life, the beauty of nature, festival④ activities and so on. All the works⑤ of arts were on show⑥ in the reading room on the third floor. Every day, a large number of⑦ students went to enjoy it and they were surprised to find that the pictures were so wonderful. Those whose photos were chosen the best were given unexpected⑧ prizes⑨. In short, this photo show really made our life colorful.


①a photo show:一次摄影展

②(be) a great success:非常成功



⑤work (pl. works):n. 著作,作品

⑥(be) on show:展览,展出

⑦a (large) number of:许多,大量


⑨prize: 奖,奖品



海报(poster)是一种带有装饰性的广告,有时还配有绘画,内容广泛,有球讯、电影消息、文娱活动等。海报正中往往有主题的大字标题,如Table Tennis Match等。海报正文语言十分简洁,开门见山地说明主题、活动内容、活动时间和活动地点。最后提出要求和注意事项。

新闻报道应及时、客观地反映事实。本文的标题A Photo Show准确地点明了主题。正文部分结构完整,条理清晰。开头两句开门见山地说明了主题以及最后产生的结果,最后一句用In short衔接,对全文进行了总结,呼应了主题,中间部分把此次摄影展的时间、地点与参赛对象有作品内容等一一作了报道,语言简洁明快,没有什么长句、难句,通俗易懂,符合读者心理,是一篇值得一读的新闻报道。

Have you ever seen art show? I saw an good art show in our school. Now, Let me tell you something about it.

In the September 5th to September 9th,Our school has successfully organized student art exhibition,It is held in the school hall. Organized student art exhibition in order to show artistic achievements of students,development of school culture.

First,the schoolmaster gave a speech,then 120 pieces of painting, photography, sculpture, paper-cut on show.There were lots of pictures, such as watercolour paintings, traditional Chinese paintings. Some of them were so good that people in the painting looked like real.Through the art show, we have got some knowledges, especially we have seen something new and wonderful.

Art show was very successful and a good assess by teachers and students.



To whom it may concern:

I’ve learned that an art exhibition is to be held and that you’re collecting suggestions on its location. I’m writing this letter to share with you my opinions.

In my opinion, it is more advisable to hold the art exhibition in Shanghai Museum than in community libraries. My reasons are as follows.

On one hand, it is more convenient for people to get to Shanghai Museum which is located in the center of the city. And the museum is much more spacious than community libraries, which provides visitors with a more comfortable environment for appreciating art.

On the other hand, as a well-known museum, Shanghai Museum is more professional and experienced in holding art exhibitions. Its professional security guards and advanced facilities can better protect those famous paintings from being damaged or stolen.

Therefore, I suggest the exhibition be held in the museum.



