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高lofty long supernal tall@@@loftyadj.-ier, -iest崇高的高傲的高的@@@long 1[lRN; (?@) lC:N]adj.longer, longest长的Long live the people!人民万岁!This piece of string is 30 centimeters long.这带子有30厘米长。People knows little about what the long-term effects of the new drug will be.人们不大清楚这种新药的长远效果如何。The garden is 30 metres long and 20 metres wide.这花园长三十米,宽二十米。距离长的;时间久的I take a long time to walk to school because it is a long way.我用了很长时间走到学校,因为路很远。No one knows how long it will last.谁也不知道罢工会持续多久。This kind of textile machines has long since been out of use.这种纺织机械早已不用了。(与on连用)充足的,擅长的Rice is in long supply.大米供应充足。冗长的longn.长时间,长时期longadv.长久地; 长期地He said he'd waited so long that he couldn't stay any longer.他说他已经等了这么长时间了,不能再等了。Not long after that, he got married.过了不多久他就结婚了。You can go out as long as you promise to be back before 8.如果你保证八点以前回来,你可以出去。He died long ago.他很久以前就去世了。before long不久,不久以后Before long, the noise dropped completely and the boat began to drift gently across the water.不久,轰鸣声完全消失了,于是这只船开始慢悠悠地漂浮在水面上。for long长久long 2[lRN; (?@) lC:N]vi.(常与for, to inf连用)渴望I longed for a bicycle.我特想要辆自行车。These young lads are longing to go to watch the football match.这几个小伙子极想去观看足球赛。long[lCN]vi.渴望, 热望, 极想People are longing for peace.人们渴望和平。We are longing to see you.我们渴望看见你。long for渴望long after渴望, 极想####supernaladj.天上的, 神的, 高的, 超自然的supernaladj.[诗]天上的; 超凡的; 崇高的, 神圣的supernal beings神仙, 天使###talladj.高,高的James is taller than Paul, but Richard is the tallest.詹姆斯比保罗高,可是理查德最高。有…高的four feet tall有4英尺高He is 1 meter 80 centimeters tall.他身高一米八。By 1884, a statue which was 151 feet tall, had been erected in Paris.到1884年,一个151英尺高的雕像已在巴黎竖起。荒诞的;夸大的a tall story荒诞的故事talladj.高的, (身材)高大的; 高傲的[美俚]过分夸张的难以置信的难办的(数量)很大的, 巨大的, 大量的a tall chimney [flagpole, mast]高大的烟囱[旗杆, 桅杆]tall hat大礼帽a tall story难以相信的故事a tall order难办的差使; 苛求a tall price高价a tall tree高树a tall water man[美]远洋海员tall grass country[美]西部草原地带tall timber[美]深山野地tall[tC:l]adv.夸大地, 趾高气扬地talk tall说大话【说明】 tall 和 high 都有“高大”的意思。High是一个通常用词, 多指物(但不指人)的高。 如:High hills surround the valley. 高峰围绕着山峪。tall[tC:l]多指比通常者高, 可指人也可指物, 形容其高而且细长。如:a tall man 高个子 a tall pine 高大的松树tall中古英语tall<古英语getl快,迅速<印欧语词干del-数,算

