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My favourite people was my senior deskmate.He was born on March,1985.He liked playing basketball and table tennis.He often played them after class.Once he took part in a table tennis match,he won the first prize.We were all prouded of him at that time.He was also quite good at his study.He had great marks in every exam.So after his graduated,he found a good job.Now we also get in touch with each other.

二、初中英语作文 我最喜欢的衣服?

My favorite clothes

I think many girls have a lot of clothes in their clothespresses(衣橱),so do i of course.But in my all clothes,my fovorite one is a pink dress,i like it most is no because it's beauty or it's price,I like it is because it was the present my mother bought to me.

It was my birthday that day,but I didn't tell my mother,I thought she could remeber. Depressedly,she said nothing to me,and kept doing her houseworks.I stayed in my room the whole day.Until in the evening,my mom knocked my door,I opened,a big birthday cake appeared in front of my eyes."Happy Birthday!surprise!"she said,and gave a dress as my present.I was so happy and hug her tightly.

So,everytime i see this dress,i think about that birthday,and i like to wear it though it's old,just like mother,as time goes by,she becomes older,but her love to daughter is becoming deeper and deeper.That's why i like the dress.Do you have any clothes can call back treature memories?


My favorite sports player is Allen Iverson.I think he is a legend in national basketball association. In 1996, he was accepted by the Team 76ers with the identification of the very best player. He is so great that I want to be the person like him.


My favorite place is the library. Because we can study quietly in the library. The library has neither the noise of the principal nor the chaos of the classroom. 

Everything was so quiet and beautiful. There are many like-minded friends in the library. They work harder and harder than one another. They sit quietly in their own position, silently to learn to read, to appreciate the wider world, that is, the world of knowledge. 

They are in their own world. Often there are many famous works in the library. We can not only read those books, but also enjoy the knowledge in them. Library can also study, learn their own professional courses, learn other knowledge, anyway, the library is a very good place. 

As a middle school student, my favorite place is the library. I love the library. The time I spend in the library is the most meaningful and the best.


我喜欢的运动 My Favorite Sports Table tennis is one of the most popular sports in China. It s my favorite, too. It s a good way of exercise, and it s easy to play. You don t need many skills. I often play table tennis after class. Most of my classmates like it. So we always have partners. But if you want to play well, it s not so easy. You must focus on your gesture, your hands and your steps. I want to be better, so I practice it very often. I have my own teacher to teach me. I work hard on it.











最喜欢的人妈妈。妈妈高高的个子,白白的皮肤,长得不胖也不瘦。妈妈长着浓浓的弯眉毛,大大的眼睛,从眼睛里透智慧的光芒。这就是我的妈妈,怎么样,长得漂亮吧。  妈妈是我的第一人老师。记得我第一次写作文的时候,我不知道如何下笔,是妈妈带我走出家门,来到野外,走到田边,让我写看到的,听到的,想到的。每逢星期日,妈妈就会带我去人民公园,观察景物和动物的特点;回到家妈妈让我把所观察到的写下来。就这样我在妈妈的精心呵护下,像一只学飞的小鸟,羽毛一天天丰满了。  每当我写完,妈妈总是我的第一有个读者,读完后,总是夸我几句。即使我的词句写错了,妈妈也会和蔼的说:“如果这句话这样写就更好了。”我总是做着鬼脸把错误改正过来,感觉轻松又愉快。  在妈妈的赏识和认可的目光下,我蹒跚的走出了第一步。我心里是那样的高兴,那样的自豪!  妈妈也是我最知心的朋友。有什么事我就给妈妈说,因为我不用担心我错了妈妈会指责我。当我苦恼的时候,妈妈毫不吝啬的为我解忧;当我迷茫的时候,妈妈给我指明了方向;当我垂头丧气的时候,妈妈们会为我大足气;当我失败的时候,妈妈给我信心和勇气。  妈妈就是一种神奇的力量,让我健康快乐的成长。妈妈,我爱你,我要告诉全世界:“妈妈,我最喜欢你!


The best of the quilities

What's the best of the quilities of you?I think that I was an open minded person,talkative,easy going,lovely,kindly,love life.The best of my quilities,I don't want to look someone the position was not very good,I just think about that she was not very good.Actually,I think that everyone is the same.I never despise others.And I like help people.I don't think that we don't need someone's help,even if when you were die.


我最喜欢的食物 一放学,我便匆匆忙忙地赶回家去,今天晚上妈妈要送我一个特别的礼物,不知道是什么,我心里充满了期待。

刚到楼下,一阵淡淡的香味扑鼻而来,难道妈妈煮了一桌子美食给我吃。有宫保鸡丁,还是回锅肉,还是糖醋排骨……算了,上去就知道了,我急急忙忙地冲了上去。刚打开门,一阵阵香味钻进我的鼻子,我口水都快流下来了。定眼一看,桌上只有一盘糖醋鱼,全身上下金黄金黄的,好像还散发出淡淡金光,周围摆着一个个不同形状的白菜,好似一个个舞动的少女,连起来看的话,仿佛正在进行舞蹈比赛。鱼还升起淡淡白烟,看样子才刚刚煮好,我都忘记脱掉鞋子了,直奔餐厅,准备品尝这道美食。我嗅了一下,不浓又不淡,很清爽。急忙吃进一口鱼肉,啊,我仿佛遨游在大海深处,又仿佛飞翔在辽阔的天空,整个人都陶醉在这种境界之中,久久不想清醒。“这道菜太好吃了!”我感叹道,“这道菜只能用三个字来形容:香!美!好!” 妈妈微笑着对我说道:“好吃吧,这可是我从网上学来的。要先买来一条新鲜的鱼。用小火慢慢地煮,再放进自己制作的调料包,煮二十分钟就好。” 细细品尝这道菜,我突然感到世界上没有比它更好吃的菜了。因为它包含着一个母亲对孩子的爱。这就是我最喜欢的食物!


我最喜欢的人是韩秀。 韩秀有长长的头发,一双水灵灵的大眼睛,还有一张常带微笑的嘴巴。 记得在幼儿园里,每个小朋友过生日时,都会得到一份惊喜的礼物。那是我们最快乐的时光。我的生日快到了,我兴奋的等待着我的那份惊喜。生日那天,妈妈把我打扮的 帅帅的,像个王子,然后送我去上学,到了幼儿园,还是和平常一样,老师把我带往教室,没有任何祝贺的表现。









