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open your dream幼儿舞蹈

一、open your eyes原唱?

《Open Your Eyes》原唱是李承铉,



open your eyes everyday

everytime i can see you

open your heart i will always

be here every time

open your ears everyday

everyday i will whisper

open your mind i will always

be here all the time

now i can feel with you always

now i can sing with you always

feel my love all the time

i can see woo hoo woo~

i can be every thing that I Could be

i will always I’ll be singing with a sweet

melody woo hoo woo~

i can feel all the love you gave to me

we will always we’ll be singing

till the day is over tonight

open your ears everyday

everyday i will whisper

open your mind i will always

be here all the time

now i can feel with you always

now i can sing with you always

feel my love all the time

i can see woo hoo woo~

二、用keep your eyes open for造句?

You'd better keep your eye open for his behavior.

三、whats your dream job如何回答

What's your dream job指的是你的梦想,工作是干什么的?

你可以这样去回答,my dream job is to be engineer我梦想成为一名工程师。那么对于工作的回答,我们还可以这样说,I want to be a teacher。

I hope to be a doctor. Dream of being a basketball player.


Open your pencil box.


五、open your eye 是泰勒哪首歌?

open your eyes

sum 41

Open Your Eyes (睁开你的眼睛) - Sum 41 (魔数41)

Written by:Nori Greig/Andrew Whibley/Deryck Jason


I'm not quite myself


I do need some help

Just my confusion

Trust my delusion

Don't you

Regret you met me

Go through

These steps to get me

Back to where we start

'Fore I fall apart

If I could black out

It'd become so clear

Standing face-to-face with everything I fear

Watch so closely

But still I don't see

As bad as it seems

A piece of mind I steal

An ordinary life

But consequences real

I'm past the point of reality

This isn't me

This isn't you

When it's just everything we do

Till you open up your eyes

And understand this isn't real

六、rage your dream的吉他谱?

http://www.52jt.net/gtp/?6338 按照这个网址去

七、翻译Rage your dream的歌词,谢谢?

每次是你令我越坠越远那会乱说输了大局便算 谁完成一圈我便能完成一圈迈向冠军的人选 每次入赛道也尽力运算快要撞向弯角剩下六 谁人如不专最后全程游花园士气似车呔磨损 凡事似赛车看着前头勇敢考考自己多罕有 无惧恶斗只怕是回头没对手 能共你破天劈地每一秒去斗圈速 不看现况我只看结局当过活似穿上车手制服 苦战直至胜方破记录 想进步每一秒痛快加速 不到最尾也比赛继续 当过活似穿上车手制服

八、Build your dream是什么意思?

  buildyourdream意思是:建立你的梦想、完成你的梦想。  例句:

①Youshouldbuildyourdreamonfacts. 你的梦想应建立在事实的基础上。     

②I'llgiveyoueverythingIcan.I'llbuildyourdreamswiththesetwohands. 我愿竭尽所能,用双手帮你完成所有的梦想。

九、follow your dream是什么品牌吗?

′Follow Your Dream 户外运动之 TOREAD 探路者户外徒步鞋


十、what is your dream job论文范文?

If someone asks me what my dream job is ,I Will say my dream job is to be a doctor .I think a doctor can help many patients. To make my dream come true ,I Will study hard and go to university ,I am going to a medical university .In the future ,I believe my dream must come true .

