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关于音乐比赛的英语作文高中 关于音乐比赛的英语作文高中生


It was a great honor that I had a chance to take part in a singing contest last week.

There were ten competitors in our contest and I was the last one to sing. I was very neverous when I was waiting for my turn to sing because all of the competitors sang well.

However, I tried my best to calm down myself. Finaly, I won the second Prize in the singing contest.Some of my classmates thought that singing contest can improve our sel-confidence while others thought that it wastes our study time. If I have an opportunity to participate in a tele-vision singing contest, I will take it because it is good for me to improve my singing skill.


Attention ,please!There is going to be a music show on June 1st. The show will hold on the playground.When you get there ,you must keep silent. please be on time!


Attention ,please!There is going to be a music show on June 1st. The show will hold on the playground.When you get there ,you must keep silent. please be on time!


Chess is believed to have a history of more than 2000 years.It is a two-player strategy board game played on a chessboard, a checkered gameboard with 64 squares arranged in an eight-by-eight grid.There are 32 pieces in one chessboard.It is one of the world s most popular games.It is played by millions of people worldwide during their spare time.There are also many chess variants, with different rules, different pieces, and different boards.


What_iS _your_name?



Since ancient times, people riding with a saying called "Centaur with success".This word explanation has two meanings, the first refers to troops in the body's center of gravity to maintain unity; second refers to the people to maintain unity


关于党的高中英语作文:“On the party's high school English composition ”


Du Fu (AD 712 - AD 770), the word the United States, the Han nationality, the Xiangyang people, after the resettlement of Henan Gongxian. Since the number of Shaoling wild, the Tang Dynasty great realist poet, and Li Bai collectively "Li Du". In order to distinguish with the other two poets Li Shangyin and Du Mu that "Xiao Li Du", Du Fu and Li Bai and collectively known as "big Li Du", Du Fu is also often referred to as "old Du".

  Du Fu's influence in Chinese classical poetry is very far-reaching, he is called "poetry", his poem is called "poetry history". Later generations of its Du Su left, Du workers, also known as Du Shaoling, Du Cao Tang.

  Du Fu created the "spring", "North", "three officials", "three" and other masterpieces. 759 Du Fu abandoned the official into the river, although to avoid the war, life is relatively stable, but still the heart of the common people, mind state affairs. Although Du Fu is a realist poet, but he also has wild uninhibited side, from his masterpiece "Drinking Eight Immortals" is not difficult to see Du Fu's pride dry clouds.

  Du Fu's core of thought is Confucian benevolent thought, he has "Zhijun Yao and Shun, and then make the custom Chun" grand ambitions. Du Fu Although the reputation of the world is not prominent, but later fame, the Chinese literature and Japanese literature have had a profound impact. Du Fu a total of about 1500 poems were preserved, mostly in the "Du workers set".


Nowadays, colleges and universities enroll an increasing number of students year after year. After four years of study, they have to meet more and more rivals in the labor market, usually many of them going home with no work at all, disappointed.

  With more graduates and less job vacancies, students are encouraged to start business of their own when they graduate from university. They may start take up anything they are interested in, make decision on their own, and obtain the fruit of their own labor. In this way, graduates will become more independent, imaginative and creative.

  Yet this process should be supported by our government. The government should provide special policies for these students, and when necessary, guide them onto a correct road.


Night, I entered the house, I heard the music came out of the study. The original is the father in the song.

  The song has just begun. At the beginning is a burst of flute, faint, long, soothing slowly out of tears. I do not know how, my mind emerge out of a picture of clothes: in a tree swifering pear, a long hair girl is blowing flute, long hair floating in the wind. Flute blown out of the tone, there is a difficult to brush off the sadness.

  The flute was slowly weaker. Suddenly, a thunderous drums, interrupted me. Drums filled with passion, a few times the drums followed by the same excitement, my mind appeared in another picture: in the drums, countless young people in a move to do the martial arts.

  "Pound, boom -" a sound of vibrant voice singing heroic song, the gap is filled with exciting flute, drums.

  When I was shaking his head and kissed with a loud, when the sound more powerful than the previous drums rang, I was shocked. Then, the beginning of the flute and slowly "flow" out, but not so sad, with cheerful bold.

  After the song is finished, the exciting voice is still echoing in my ear.

