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音乐会用英语怎么说? 来参加聚会用英语怎么说?


concert英文发音: [knst]中文释义:n.音乐会;演奏会例句:The children put on an impromptu concert for the visitors.孩子们为来访者即兴献上了一场音乐会。短语:

1、in concert 一致;齐声2、concert hall 音乐厅3、in concert with 和…相呼应;与…合作;和…一致4、go to the concert 去听音乐会,去参加音乐会5、solo concert 个人演唱会扩展资料concert 的同根词:1、concerted英文发音:[kn'std]中文释义:adj. 协调的;协定的;商议定的例句:It is an example of the concerted action that you get when [Beijing] is convinced somethingmust be done.这是在(北京方面)确信必须有所作为时,你会看到的那种协调行动的一个例子。

2、concertize英文发音:['knstaz]中文释义:vi. 举行职业演奏会;演出例句:He returns to China to concertize around the world in the same year.同年,他回到祖国的怀抱,准备用一流的音乐会回报祖国和世界人民。


去参加聚会去参加聚会 [网络] go to parties; go to the party; go to a party; [例句]杰德说:“我有时会去参加聚会。”

'I party some,' said Jed


concert musicale philharmonic等都有音乐会的意思。


1,流行歌曲的爱好者纷纷从四面八方向音乐会的举办地点聚集。 Pop fans are homing in on the concert site from miles around.

2,真可惜两个音乐会时间上有冲突,我本来想两个都去。 It's a pity the two concerts clash; I wanted to go to both of them.

3,音乐会将在学校的礼堂内举行。 The concert will be in the school hall.

4,到音乐会去换换环境比较好。 It is good to go to a concert for a change.

5,音乐会将于星期六举行。 The concert will be given on Saturday.


concert musicale philharmonic等都有音乐会的意思。


1,流行歌曲的爱好者纷纷从四面八方向音乐会的举办地点聚集。 Pop fans are homing in on the concert site from miles around.

2,真可惜两个音乐会时间上有冲突,我本来想两个都去。 It's a pity the two concerts clash; I wanted to go to both of them.

3,音乐会将在学校的礼堂内举行。 The concert will be in the school hall.

4,到音乐会去换换环境比较好。 It is good to go to a concert for a change.

5,音乐会将于星期六举行。 The concert will be given on Saturday.


你好,"参加"的英语翻译可以是attend,join和participate,它们的音标分别是[tend], [dn]和[p:tspet]



concert 英文发音: [knst] 中文释义:n.音乐会;演奏会 例句: The children put on an impromptu concert for the visitors. 孩子们为来访者即兴献上了一场音乐会。 短语:

1、in concert 一致;齐声

2、concert hall 音乐厅

3、in concert with 和…相呼应;与…合作;和…一致

4、go to the concert 去听音乐会,去参加音乐会

5、solo concert 个人演唱会


hold a concert 网络 举办音乐会; 开音乐会; 举办演唱会; [例句]The young musician is going to hold a concert. 那个年轻的音乐家要举办一个音乐会。


Hello,everyone,i am xxx.I like music very much.i think it can make us relaxed .when you are tired or boring you can listen to music to enjoy harmony .i heared about the school has held a orchestra .so i want to join ,i think i can be better。 2、I am glad to hear that there is an music cilb in our school.

As a music lover, I am eager to enter the club.

Singing is one of my advantages.Besides,I am good at dancing and painting.So, it is easy for me to help the club with advertisement.Not only can I help painting posters ,but I can perform on stage!I am sure I can help the club a lot.

Hoping you will permit my application.


最常用的是party 英 ['pt] 美 ['prti] n. 政党,党派;聚会,派对;当事人 [复数 parties]vi. 参加社交聚会 [ 过去式 partied 过去分词 partied 现在分词 partying ]双语例句

1.那次聚会看来使她感到沉闷。The party seemed to switch her off.

2.他发电报要我去参加那个聚会。He telegraphed me to go to the party.




如,Iam listeningtothemusic.我正在听音乐。

