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Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me歌词?

一、Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me歌词?

Babe, it must be art

You're a headache

In a suitcase

You're a star

Don't be shy

You don't have to go blind

Hold me, thrill me, kiss me, kill me

You don't know how you got here

You just know you want out

Believing in yourself almost

As much as you doubt

You're a big smash

You wear it like a rash


Oh no, don't be shy

It takes a crowd to cry

Hold me, thrill me, kiss me, kill me

They want you to be Jesus

They'll go down on one knee

But they'll want their money back

If you're alive at thirty-three

And you're turning tricks

With your crucifix

You're a star

Oh child

Oh child

You don't have to deny love

Hold me, thrill me, kiss me, kill me

Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me - The Hit Co. (热歌公司)/Herbert von Karajan (赫伯特冯卡拉扬)

You don't know how you took it

You just know what you got

Oh Lordy you've been stealing

From the thieves and you got caught

In the headlights

Of a stretch car

You're a star

Dressing like your sister

Living like a tart

They don't know what you're doing

Babe, it must be art

You're a headache

In a suitcase

You're a star

Don't be shy

You don't have to go blind

Hold me, thrill me, kiss me, kill me

You don't know how you got here

You just know you want out

Believing in yourself almost

As much as you doubt

You're a big smash

You wear it like a rash


Oh no, don't be shy

It takes a crowd to cry

Hold me, thrill me, kiss me, kill me

They want you to be Jesus

They'll go down on one knee

But they'll want their money back

If you're alive at thirty-three

And you're turning tricks

With your crucifix

You're a star

Oh child

Oh child

You don't have to deny love

Hold me, thrill me, kiss me, kill me

Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kill Me - The Hit Co. (热歌公司)

You don't know how you took it

You just know what you got

Oh Lordy you've been stealing

From the thieves and you got caught

In the headlights

Of a stretch car

You're a star

Dressing like your sister

Living like a tart

They don't know what you're doing

Babe, it must be art

You're a headache

In a suitcase

You're a star

Don't be shy

You don't have to go blind

Hold me, thrill me, kiss me, kill me

You don't know how you got here

You just know you want out

Believing in yourself almost

As much as you doubt

You're a big smash

You wear it like a rash


Oh no, don't be shy

It takes a crowd to cry

Hold me, thrill me, kiss me, kill me

They want you to be Jesus

They'll go down on one knee

But they'll want their money back

If you're alive at thirty-three

And you're turning tricks

With your crucifix

You're a star

Oh child

Oh child

You don't have to deny love

Hold me, thrill me, kiss me, kill me

Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me - The Hit Co. (热歌公司)/Herbert von Karajan (赫伯特冯卡拉扬)

You don't know how you took it

You just know what you got

Oh Lordy you've been stealing

From the thieves and you got caught

In the headlights

Of a stretch car

You're a star

Dressing like your sister

Living like a tart

They don't know what you're doing

Babe, it must be art

You're a headache

In a suitcase

You're a star

Don't be shy

You don't have to go blind

Hold me, thrill me, kiss me, kill me

You don't know how you got here

You just know you want out

Believing in yourself almost

As much as you doubt

You're a big smash

You wear it like a rash


Oh no, don't be shy

It takes a crowd to cry

Hold me, thrill me, kiss me, kill me

They want you to be Jesus

They'll go down on one knee

But they'll want their money back

If you're alive at thirty-three

And you're turning tricks

With your crucifix

You're a star

Oh child

Oh child

You don't have to deny love

Hold me, thrill me, kiss me, kill me

Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me - The Hit Co. (热歌公司)/Herbert von Karajan (赫伯特冯卡拉扬)

You don't know how you took it

You just know what you got

Oh Lordy you've been stealing

From the thieves and you got caught

In the headlights

Of a stretch car

You're a star

Dressing like your sister

Living like a tart

They don't know what you're doing

Babe, it must be art

You're a headache

In a suitcase

You're a star

Don't be shy

You don't have to go blind

Hold me, thrill me, kiss me, kill me

You don't know how you got here

You just know you want out

Believing in yourself almost

As much as you doubt

You're a big smash

You wear it like a rash


Oh no, don't be shy

It takes a crowd to cry

Hold me, thrill me, kiss me, kill me

They want you to be Jesus

They'll go down on one knee

But they'll want their money back

If you're alive at thirty-three

And you're turning tricks

With your crucifix

You're a star

Oh child

Oh child

You don't have to deny love

Hold me, thrill me, kiss me, kill me

二、hold me tight 泰语歌词音译?

素~加呢比五 你个里五 米恰嫩古大


为难大几够 bua丝(儿)嘎

gi~嘎诶波lio进丝(儿)类gi boom土嘎几豆

吧啦没 丝丝(儿)蓝搜 里类内

那诶配几 耶闹no豆 七嘿丝不宁得

穷心擦lio 波你一米 汗破给个 里米对

耨往难 ham的pong

豆里几miong 够加那够 no豆啊加那

no诶 恰去吗 你那on jio 哈给嘿


哦进no哈那蛮 波哟 ( 波哟 )

那哦进no吧给安 波哟 ( 波哟 )

吧工qio哈几 工piong哈几


一节谈哈(那)路豆 耨哦西嫩 Please

挂恰吧jio 乃啊那jio NO~

Can you trust me

Can you trust me

Can you trust me


挂恰吧jio 乃啊那jio NO~

Can you trust me

Can you trust me

切拜(儿) 切拜(儿) 切拜(儿)个咯啊那jio

哟 hi耨 诶给送比起乃

哟hi hiang gi那嫩够嘎他

一节那了 米豆jio

他西那了 恰吧jio



no哦西素 么须素哦搜难

no哦心啊 木够豆啊nia难

他亲吗么(儿) 哟咯jio

内心讲额 xio jio



[ RAP ]

耨诶扑(恩) 耨诶on gi 耨诶吗么(儿)

他西波够 西大够 呗了

几跟一孙干 大西汗够谈gi怕蓝豆 ( 怕蓝豆 )

古冷汗jio 哦西吗 跟gi 哈呢豆 ( 哈呢豆 )

他末等给 恰噶够

吗跟 哈呢豆他 哦读我

耨被miong 西策因内嘎木心 素么许哦

啊怕那航桑 Cry Cry Cry

那米七够 耨哦(不)西几期够


大米米我 没一里西西咯

那五lio 零叮咚

gi为嘎一大mong ( 恰吧 )

那他lio西加 ( Count Down )

讲米嘎疼你 扑没几里嘎够咯 他西no 啊那

哦进no哈那蛮 波哟 ( 波哟 )

那哦进no吧给安 波哟 ( 波哟 )

吧工qio哈几 工piong哈几


一节谈哈(那)路豆 耨哦西嫩 Please

挂恰吧jio 乃啊那jio NO~

Can you trust me

Can you trust me

Can you trust me


挂恰吧jio 乃啊那jio NO~

Can you trust me

Can you trust me

切拜(儿) 切拜(儿) 切拜(儿)个咯啊那jio

[ RAP ]

恰嘎我进 你pio jio一 吗得心


一bio里米木qio咯 内给豆米lio


工吗几吗 gi蓝够啊几蛮

耨no啊句(儿)素嫩 哦嫩够

吗哈几吗 豆那几吗

jio用hi那了 啊那jio Girl

乃恰吧jio ( 恰吧jio )

乃啊那jio ( 啊那jio )

Trust me , Trust me

Trust me , Trust me

Trust me

挂恰吧jio ( 乃恰吧jio )

乃啊那jio ( 乃啊那jio )

Can you trust me

Can you trust me

切拜(儿) 切拜(儿) 切拜(儿)个咯啊那jio

哟 hi耨 诶给送比起乃

哟hi hiang gi那嫩够嘎他

一节那了 米豆jio

他西那了 恰吧jio

耨了 呢gi素(儿)一给


三、hold me tight是什么意思?

hold me tight紧紧抓住我;紧紧抱紧我;例句1.When we sway and around then hold me tight, come on! 当我们摇摆和回转的时候抱紧我, 开始吧!2. Cos you're not here to hold me tight. 因为今夜你已不在这里紧握着我的手。

四、hold on和wait for me有什么区别?


五、天桥风云歌曲hold me的中文翻译?

hold me(天桥风云片尾曲)中英对照歌词hold mejust hold me, pleasedon't ask me where I come fromor why I cry these tearjust hold mehold me, pleaselet me restin the silence ofyour embracegive me a momentdon't make me explainit’s all I needand all I ask forhold mehold me, please拥我入怀吧,抱着我别问我来自何方为什么哭泣就这样拥我入怀吧抱着我让我在你沉默的拥抱中歇息吧只要片刻就好不用我做任何解释这就是我需的一切我要的一切拥我入怀吧抱着我----------------你看看是这个吗??

六、always with me音乐奖项?

always with me是一个英语词组,意思是“一直和我在一起”,它不是一个节目的名称,所以,它不存在什么音乐奖项。

七、hold to与hold in 区别?

hold to与hold in 的区别为

hold to释义为:



She put her career on hold to have a baby.


hold in 释义:



Deflation is beginning to take hold in the clothing industry.


八、real me内置音乐叫什么?

1. realme 内置音乐叫“it's realme”。

2. 在realme桌面找到音乐,打开即可找到。在音乐app中可以听音乐、歌曲,可以搜索喜欢的音乐歌曲,专辑,歌手等,也可以搜索不同类型的歌曲音乐等,也可以下载到本地,不用上网就可以听,很方便。

3. realme 操作系统还是不错的。

九、hold on to和 hold on for的区别?

hold on to基本翻译坚持;紧握;克制网络释义hold on to:紧紧抓住 | 控制 | 坚持hold on to是固定表达,表示抓住,抓牢(尤指坚持不放)

hold on for表示适用于


十、hold over,hold up区别?


①hold over


He had ordered his officers to keep an exceptionally firm hold over their men.


②hold up


Unfortunately, that rickety old sled they used couldn't hold up and they crashed. Everyone knows what happened next. They picked up the sled and finished the race.


