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正规的翻译应该是:listen to music;也可以翻译为listen to the music.不同环境下使用。至于为什么不译为listen music,,listen是不及物动词。vivi. 倾听;留心听;听信;(让对方注意)听着 n. 听,倾听


正规的翻译应该是:listen to music;也可以翻译为listen to the music.不同环境下使用。 至于为什么不译为listen music,,listen是不及物动词。

vi vi. 倾听;留心听;听信;(让对方注意)听着 n. 听,倾听


I usually relax myself by going to the library and listening to music. 注:去library 已体现读书了,所以不需要再加reading. 【英语牛人团】


1. to use music and music therapy to help ward off depression, to promote movement, to calm patients, to ease muscle tension. 使用音乐和音乐疗法帮助抵御抑郁症,以促进运动,平息患者,缓解肌肉紧张。

2. Brain Waves: music with a strong beat can stimulate brainwaves to resonate in sync with the beat, with faster beats bringing sharper concentration and more alert thinking, and a slower tempo promoting a calm, meditative state. 脑电波:节奏感强的音乐可以刺激脑波共鸣的节拍同步,更快的节拍,带来更清晰的浓度和更加警觉思维,慢节奏促进平静,冥想状态。

3. Breathing and Heart Rate: breathing and heart rate can also be altered by the changes music can bring. greatly promoting not only relaxation, but health. 呼吸和心跳:音乐可以给呼吸和心跳率带来变化。不仅大大促进放松,而且健康。

4. State of Mind: Music can also be used to bring a more positive state of mind. 心境:音乐也可以带来更积极的心理状态。

5. Other Benefits: lowering blood pressure, boost immunity, ease muscle tension. 其他优点:降低血压、提高免疫力、缓解肌肉紧张。

6. Early musical training helps develop brain areas involved in language and reasoning. 早期的音乐训练有助于开发语言和推理的大脑区域参与。

7. Mood boost: plugging in to your favourite music could help melt away a bad mood. 情绪提升:插入您最喜爱的音乐可以帮助融化心情不好。

8. Focus: if we help our cortex to produce faster beta waves, we will be better equipped to concentrate and focus our attention. 集中精力:如果我们帮助我们的皮质产生更快的β波,我们将更好的集中精力。

9. Pick up the pace: Listening to certain music could actually help you run faster. 加快步伐:听某些音乐可以真正帮助你跑(走)得更快。

10. De-stress:Tuning in to one of your favourite songs can be incredibly soothing and help to reduce anxiety. 解除压力:调到您最喜爱的歌曲之一,可令人难以置信的抚慰和帮助,以减少焦虑。




[服装] scarf



毛皮围巾fur scarf

围巾小姐Little Miss Muffett


听音乐 listen to music 如果加the,就表示听特定的一首音乐。




of 英[v] 美[v]

prep. 关于; …的,属于…的; 由…制成;

aux. 助动词 [非标准用语、方言] =have [主用于虚拟语气];

[例句]Would you say what you felt was a feeling of betrayal?



我正在听音乐英文翻译如下:I'm listening to the music.例句:I am listening to the music when the phone rings.




这扇窗户是向西开的。The window opens to the west.

他为小学生开公共汽车。He drives the bus for the pupils.

我的猫咪一闻到小狗身上的气味便马上跳开跑掉了。My cat started off as soon as he smelt the little dog.

别开得那么快!你必须把速度限制在规定的范围内。Don't drive so fast! You must keep within the speed limit.

他请一位有经验的司机为他试开那辆捷达车。He asked an experienced driver to test-drive that Jetta for him.


昨天又有两家店铺关了。Two more shops closed down yesterday.

我就迟到了五分钟,便被关在了门外。I was shut out for being five minutes late.

他们把记者关在法庭门外。They barred the reporters out of the courtroom.

这窗子关不上。The window won't shut.

这些牛在火中被烧死了,因为它们当时被关在(牛栅)里面。The cows died in the fire because they were barred in (the hut).


send my regards是说把我的问候给你greetings to me 是说别人对我的问候
