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the who的音乐风格


who和whom意思都是“谁”,who可以做主语,也可以做宾语,而whom只能做宾语,例如Who(Whom)are you looking for? Who(不能用whom)is singing?

二、who is it和who is this的区别?


① Who is this?

在许多外国人眼中,“Who is this?”是最简洁和最合理的表达之一,而且不含冒犯他人之意,是个礼貌性表达。

A: Hey, is Natalie there?

A: 嗨,娜塔莉在吗?

B: Yeah, who is this?

B: 在的,您是哪位?

② Who is it?

当然了,“Who is it?”也是老外最常用的口语化表达之一,也比较礼貌。

“Hello, who is it?”,he picked up the telephone and said.


③ May I ask who is calling?


A: Hello, is Boris there?

A: 您好,请问鲍里斯在吗?

B: Sorry, he is being abroad on business. May I ask who is calling?

B: 抱歉,他现正在出差。请问你是?

④ Would you mind telling who is calling?


Ben is not there. Would you mind telling who is calling?

本不在。 介意告诉我你是谁吗?

who is it一般用在跟对方直接说话的场合,但是往往是看不到对方的时候,比如对敲门的人

who's this的两种回答分别是“It's me”和“It's+人名”。这一话通常是用于人们电话沟通时,此时接听电话的一方如果不知道是谁打来的电话,通常会用“Who's this”来询问对方的名次,而对方则会用“It's me”或“It's+人名”告知别人自己的姓名和身份

三、who is that 和who is speaking的区别?



但是如果你不是在电话这个场景里,你在生活里问,who is that那就指的是那是水在生活场景里一般就不会用who is speaking代替who is that。

四、who is this和who is he的区别?

who is this? 和who is he? 这两个句子都是对主语提问的特殊疑问句,并且都是倒装句。Who is this? 这是谁? this 提问的对象范围宽泛,可以指男人,男孩,女人,女孩,甚至宠物。而Who is he? 中文意思是他是谁?询问的对象只能是男性,比Who is this? 提问的对象范围小得多。

五、Who is he和he is who和who is he的区别?

好像没有 he is who 这个用法 如果是个特殊疑问句 那么能用Who is he?或Who he is?


六、who is he和he is who的区别?



七、who is that speaking和who is that saying的区别?


1)Who is that speaking?

Lin Tao.This is.

I am我是;That is那是;This is这是/我是;He is他是。根据问句"Who is that speaking",可知是在打电话,回答需用"This is sb.speaking"。

2) --Hello. Who  is that  saying?

-This is Helen. 

who is that saying?你是谁?



答。根据回答“This is Helen(我是海伦)"可知前句的问句应该为你是谁

考查情景交际。本题考查打电话的习惯用语,电话中称自己为“this”,称对方为“that”;询问对方是谁应说“Who is that(speaking)?”接电话表明自己的身份应说“This is…speaking.”本题根据答语This is Helen.可知上文是问“你是谁?”

八、who need还是who needs?

who need help是一个定语从句,who是来代替people,是用need。 翻译:他帮助需要帮助的人们。 定语从句连词:who,which,whom,that,where,when,how... 祝学习进步

九、who live in 还是who lives in?

应该是who lives in,因为who是第三人称。

十、who is in the park 还是who are in the park?

是who is in the park,此处who做主语,谓语用单数,例如:

1.His argument presupposes that it does not matter who is in power.他的论点前提是谁掌权都无关紧要。

2.Who is in the chair today?今天谁主持?

3.This is an easy routine, designed for anyone who is unused to exercise.这是一套简单的固定动作,是为不常锻炼的人设计的。

