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ntroduction to Folk Song Festival

This idiom comes from an old folk song. The last two stanzas are as follows: there are five brothers in a family. They have to serve as attendants every five days.

They go home to get together. They decorate horses and clothes with glittering gold. They compete to show off and luxury.

The crowd watching by the roadside now has a peach tree by the well and a plum tree beside it. When insects come to gnaw at the root of the peach tree, plum tree invites them to eat their own Roots, plums are dead, and ossified trees know how to sacrifice for other trees. Why can't brothers do this


Apopular,richinfolksongs,calledfolkorfolksongs. Theballadofthelonghistory,theauthorunknown.Richincontentandfolk,religion,love,war,work,drinking,dancingandmusicians,andofthefestivalandsoon. Istheperformanceoffolkaffectionandcustomofanation,soeachhasitsuniqueandexoticstyle. AsFrenchfolksongofthevigorous,theenthusiasmofItalianfolkmusic,Britishfolksimplicity,Japanesefolksongofgriefandindignation,Spainfolkrhymeuninhibited,Chinesefolksongsfullofpathos,thestrongnationalqualitiesandcolor. 民间流行的、富于民族色彩的歌曲,称为民谣或民歌。 民谣的历史悠远,故其作者多不知名。民谣的内容丰富,有宗教的、爱情的、战争的、工作的,也有饮酒、舞蹈作乐、祭典等等。 民谣是表现一个民族的感情与习尚,因此各有其独特的音阶与情调风格。 如法国民谣的蓬勃、意大利民谣的热情、英国民谣的淳朴、日本民谣的悲愤、西班牙民谣的狂放不羁、中国民谣的缠绵悱恻,都表现了强烈的民族气质与色彩。


English is an important subject in school. English is playiny an important role in our daily life.For example,all kinds of things are intruduced in English. And we must studyEnglish hard. In this way, we can understand the intruductions .Come on!


British history began in Germanic and Celtic, and later in England, Wales and Scotland. Its origin can be traced back to Roman rule.

Britain is called the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It consists of Northern Ireland and the whole history of Britain is made up of the interweaving of the four regions.

Wales became part of the Kingdom of England in 1535. The defeat of the Spanish Invincible Fleet in 1588 by the Naval Battle of Gravoline frustrated the invasion of foreign Catholic forces.

basically eliminating the threat of Catholicism and consolidating the achievements of religious reform.

In 1640, Britain broke out the first bourgeois revolution in the world and became the pioneer of the bourgeois revolution. The Republic was proclaimed on 19 May 1649.

The restoration of the dynasty in 1660 and the "Glorious Revolution" in 1688 established the constitutional monarchy.

In 1707, England merged with Scotland. Through the Seven Years'War, Britain laid the foundation of the Sunset Empire and gained the hegemony of the sea.

It was merged with Ireland in 1801. After the Napoleonic War, Britain completed the imperial hegemony of the Sunset Empire.

From the second half of the 18th century to the first half of the 19th century, it became the first country in the world to complete the industrial revolution.

The nineteenth century was the heyday of the British Empire. The colonies occupied in 1914 were 111 times larger than those in the mainland.

They were the first colonial power and claimed to be the "Sunset Empire".

In 1922, the Republic of Ireland became independent, and Northern Ireland remained in the United Kingdom, that is, Northern Ireland today.


English is very important .We had better learn English well .







In the universe, there is a group of people who order the universe of peace, struggling to kill the monsters, they are united as one, always win. They have super powers, not only can fly, but also emit light, very powerful, and many kids like them, they come from the M78 Nebula.

Do you know who they are yet? Altman


mass organization

Which clubs and societies should you join?

It's a great opportunity to make new friends, join lots of clubs and settle into university life.


Liuzhou! My hometown!

There is a river,very clear and beautiful

There are a lot of mountains,Very tall and magnificent。

The people there are very friendly, although they are very strange, but they are ready to help others.

The food is very tempting, Although it is very hot,,but still love!

No matter where, no matter how long, will not let people forget.

This is my life and love of home, Liuzhou!

