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ntroduction to Folk Song Festival

This idiom comes from an old folk song. The last two stanzas are as follows: there are five brothers in a family. They have to serve as attendants every five days.

They go home to get together. They decorate horses and clothes with glittering gold. They compete to show off and luxury.

The crowd watching by the roadside now has a peach tree by the well and a plum tree beside it. When insects come to gnaw at the root of the peach tree, plum tree invites them to eat their own Roots, plums are dead, and ossified trees know how to sacrifice for other trees. Why can't brothers do this


1、《Blowin'in the Wind在风中飘荡》 | Bob Dylan

写于1964年的《Blowin'in the Wind在风中飘荡》,是被称为“美国民谣摇滚之父”的鲍勃迪伦作品中最有名的一首。后人对它的评价是:“美国民歌史上最重要的作品之一”。

2、《Unchained Melody奔放的旋律》  The Righteous Brothers

如果歌名看起来有点陌生的话,那么电影《人鬼情未了》你一定知道。这首歌曲正是这部知名电影的主题曲。虽然这首作品已经成为经典,但二人组合The Righteous Brothers却始终未被大众所熟知。

3、《500 Miles离家500里》 

2013年上映的电影<醉乡民谣> 主题曲

如果Beatles的《Yesterday》是被翻唱次数最多的独唱歌曲的话,这首《500 Miles》则完全有可能是被翻唱次数最多的重唱歌曲。

4、《Knockin' On Heaven's Door叩响天堂之门》 Bob Dylan

这首作品是1973年上映电影《比利小子》的插曲,收录于Bob Dylan1974年发行的双唱片专辑《Before the Flood》里。也是他被翻唱最多的一首作品:包括摇滚乐队枪炮与玫瑰、吉它之神Eric Clapton以及Avril Lavigne等等。

5、《Scarborough Fair斯卡布罗集市》 | Paul Simon Art Garfunkel

《Scarborough Fair》原是一首古老的英国民歌,其起源可一直追溯到中世纪。原唱歌手为保罗西蒙(Paul Simon)和阿特加芬克尔(Art Garfunkel),曾作为第40届奥斯卡提名影片《毕业生》的插曲

6、Vincent | Don Mclean

Don Mclean(唐.马克林)是一位来自美国纽约的民谣摇滚歌手,赢得过十二张金唱片单曲、二十五张金唱片和十张白金唱片。而这首《Vincent》则是他献给艺术巨匠梵高的一首经典之作。

7、《The London Apprentice 伦敦学徒》 Ralph Mctell

经典民歌《The London Apprentice》是英国歌手Ralph McTell 1969年的作品,而他的吉他风格也影响了无数的20世纪早期的美国布鲁斯吉他手。这首作品曾被超过二百名歌手翻唱,影响力可想而知。

8、《Take Me Home,Country Road 乡村路带我回家》John Denver

1971年,一首描写西弗吉尼亚山区美丽风光的歌曲《Take Me Home,Country Roads》诞生,后来成为John Denver的招牌曲目,并让他一举成为美国最有名的美国乡村歌手。事实上,他也是第一位访问过中国的美国乡村歌手。 

9、《Yesterday Once More昨日重现》 | Carpenters

 如果说有一首歌能把人带回听收音机的年代,那一定是《Yesterday Once More》。由理查德卡朋特和卡伦卡朋特兄妹二人组成的演唱组合Carpenters,可以说是一代人的青春。遗憾的是卡伦卡朋特年仅32岁便因厌食症过早地离去。

10、《I Swear我发誓》John Michael Montgomery






Apopular,richinfolksongs,calledfolkorfolksongs. Theballadofthelonghistory,theauthorunknown.Richincontentandfolk,religion,love,war,work,drinking,dancingandmusicians,andofthefestivalandsoon. Istheperformanceoffolkaffectionandcustomofanation,soeachhasitsuniqueandexoticstyle. AsFrenchfolksongofthevigorous,theenthusiasmofItalianfolkmusic,Britishfolksimplicity,Japanesefolksongofgriefandindignation,Spainfolkrhymeuninhibited,Chinesefolksongsfullofpathos,thestrongnationalqualitiesandcolor. 民间流行的、富于民族色彩的歌曲,称为民谣或民歌。 民谣的历史悠远,故其作者多不知名。民谣的内容丰富,有宗教的、爱情的、战争的、工作的,也有饮酒、舞蹈作乐、祭典等等。 民谣是表现一个民族的感情与习尚,因此各有其独特的音阶与情调风格。 如法国民谣的蓬勃、意大利民谣的热情、英国民谣的淳朴、日本民谣的悲愤、西班牙民谣的狂放不羁、中国民谣的缠绵悱恻,都表现了强烈的民族气质与色彩。


English is an important subject in school. English is playiny an important role in our daily life.For example,all kinds of things are intruduced in English. And we must studyEnglish hard. In this way, we can understand the intruductions .Come on!


English is currently the most wide spread language in the world, it is second only to Mandarin Chinese in terms of the amount of people which speak it.

English can be used as a lunguage in any part of the world, though the the people might not have the same accents, still, the language will be understandable. There are various examples in proving the importance of english.

For instance, in a travel, when a person travels to another part of the world either for business or as a tourist, the languages may differ. In these conditions, English becomes th e language that helps people to deal with the condition.

The presence of English as an universal language assumes importance in the fact that more and more people leave their country for studying abroad. Education has increased the role of English and also reinforces the fact that English is very important


MybirthdayisinJuly.Iamveryhappyonmybirthday,becauseIcaneatmyfavoritefoodandgetmanygiftsfrommyparentsandfriends.Lastyear,Ihadmybirthdaypartyasusual.Iwasveryexcitedinthemorning.Myfatherwenttobuymeabigbirthdaycake.Mymothercleanedalltheroomsandcookeddeliciousfood.Iinvitedallmyfriendstomyparty.Weplayedfunnygames,andtheysangabirthdaysongandlightedthecandles.Imadeawishandblewallthecandles.Thenweatethebirthdaycaketogether.Iopenedthegiftsfrommyparentsandfriends. Ihadareallywonderfulbirthdayparty.


Cheehtas run the fastest in the world.And they're so beautiful that people kill them for their skins.So,they're dying now.we should protect them,a kind of beautiful animals.



I want to join a club , I can play the Hu Luxi . I can sing. I can art , speak English and swim . So I can join the music clnb , the art club , the English clud and the swimming club . At last ,I join the English .


It is important for us to study English well.Because English is used widely in the world.We can communicate with foreigner better.At the same time we can study advanced experiance from other countries.What is more,China has become a member of World Trade Organization and heid successfully Olympic Games in the BeiJing.So We must get a good command English.We will devoted myself to motherland better.I believe we all can learn English well.

